Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feed the fish

If you like our blog, become a follower! Also, don't forget when you're visiting to answer the poll and feed our fish. They seem really hungry.

The baby is happy where he is

We had our weekly appointment today. Heartbeat is normal, growth of the baby is normal, his position is normal.  Everything is normal.  Except I want him here now and he is showing no sign of making his descent into our world. I know, I know...all my parenting friends say that it's easier when the baby is inside than out and I'll be echoing their words after the baby is born but this last month is tough! Frequent bathroom breaks, the restless nights, crankiness, inability to move without being out of breath 2 seconds later... poor Kunal has been suffering my crankiness and the restless nights with me.  And there's no end in sight. This baby seems content just where he is. But as long as he's happy, then we're happy. We can't ask for anything better than normal. He'll make his debut when he's good and ready. Until then, we have another restless night to look forward to (sorry, honey) and plenty more after the baby is here as I am forewarned. I wonder if it's asking too much to request a cot for my office.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Coming Soon!

37 weeks pregnant


Welcome to our new blog!  As soon as the baby is born, we'll post pictures and stories as they happen.  Have a great day!