Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

First of all, I can't believe the holidays are over (insert sad face). We've started taking down our holiday decorations.  Only the sad, lonely tree remains. But what a great holiday season it was. We celebrated at the home of Roger and Maya Arora on Christmas Eve followed by a wonderful dinner on Christmas Day at Mom, Papa, and Nitasha Bhua's home. There was good food, good music, and great company.  Of course, Nikhil got spoiled the most for Christmas.  Can a kid ever have too many toys? As a parent, I say yes although I'm sure Nikhil will disagree.

We took Nikhil's Santa picture on Christmas Eve (yes, this was the last day to take pictures):

Nikhil and Santa Claus
And yes, he kept the hat on! He did surprisingly well. He didn't noticed that he was in Santa's lap initially.  We kept him preoccupied while his pictures were taken so he wouldn't turn around. After the last picture was taken, he suddenly turned around and saw who was hold him.  In about 0.324 seconds, he went for a content little boy to a screaming, raging, out-of-control child. Luckily, we got the pictures we wanted.  Although, I must say we didn't care much for this year's Santa Claus.  We'll let the pictures explain why.

In between Christmas and New Years, Nikhil and I paid a visit to California once again where he got a chance to visit his Nanaji, Naniji, Masi Raj, and Mama Tej for a couple of days. He's still afraid of his Mama Tej but we're working on it.

Then it was New Years Eve. We celebrated at the home of Raj & Anjli Giri with a little more than a dozen other people.  The setting and atmosphere was perfect.  Nikhil went to bed early in his pack n' play and we enjoyed the rest of the night with great friends.  So hard to believe that 2011 is over.  But here's wishing to a better and brighter 2012.  Our 2012 wish is for new additions to the family in the form of husbands (ahem, Masi and Bhua) and maybe even babies. Above all, we wish all our family and friends good health and prosperity!

Happy 2012!

Love, Kunal, Navi & Nikhil  

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