Thursday, October 25, 2012

How Old Are You? I'm 2!

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you...Nikhil is now 2! We held his birthday party on the actual day of his birthday, October 13. Close family and friends came to our home to help us ring in the terrible two's. Nani and Raj Masi flew in from CA to help celebrate:

Nani & Dadi with the grandkids
One of Nikhil's favorite shows is Barney & Friends so we hired an entertainer to dress up as Barney and entertain the kids with some classic Barney songs. He was terrified of him at first but as the songs starting playing, he started to really enjoy himself:

Wheels on the bus go round and round...
We did Wheels on the Bus twice as it's one of Nikhil's favorites.
If You're Happy and You Know It.
High Five at the end!
Nikhil and his new best friend
Barney and all the participants
Family picture with Barney
Then it was cake time.  Nikhil loves blowing out candles now (although he had to get a little bit of help from daddy).

Blowing out the candles
Cutting the cake
He was fed so much cake that I don't know how he went to bed that night!  The cake was chocolate (his favorite) with strawberry filling. Of course, he never complained whenever anyone came to feed him. :) 

Overall, Nikhil had a great time at his birthday party.  We are so thankful for all the family and friends who made it for the celebrations.  We're also thankful for the many emails and phone calls received from family & friends wishing him a happy birthday.  Let's hope the two's aren't as terrible as they say!

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